Salesforce Go Live!


Wilmarco Technologies is now powered by the leading CRM platform -   This decision to invest in current technology is consistent with our company values to grow and improve.

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is a process- and data-driven approach to the Sales process.  It puts structure and visibility around what can be a subjective and personality-driven endeavor.  For businesses to grow and improve in the modern era, transparency, data and process need to be combined with relationship, emotion and intuition.  CRM generally, and particularly, achieve this.

Clients benefit from engagements with Wilmarco Technologies by receiving visual dashboards showing call activity and pipeline progress.  This can help a client grow revenue, and also to frame their decisions on how to adopt Salesforce CRM as their internal platform.  If a client already uses Salesforce, Wilmarco Technologies can easily and quickly integrate into existing processes and frameworks, seamlessly.

By using Salesforce CRM, Wilmarco Technologies improves its processes and technologies so that clients can improve theirs.

2 thoughts on “Salesforce Go Live!”

  1. Salesforce is thrilled to be partnered with Wilmarco and hope to continue to drive value internally so that Wilmarco’s customers continue to be delighted by the services and expertise available!

    1. Thank you Tayler! Salesforce is the solution-of-choice for companies who want to raise the bar on their own customer relationship management efforts.

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